I guide and gather women together to re-member the truth of who you are, to weave a new story for your life into being, and live the life you imagined.
Are you standing at a threshold in your life?
Perhaps you are recently retired, or looking for a career change.
Or maybe your children have left the nest, and your role as a parent has changed.
And maybe you are recently divorced, or on the precipice of divorce.
Each one of these thresholds can feel daunting, even crippling, since you don't know what is next, or how to move forward.
And yet, these are the most potent times in life, because without the roles that you play, or the partner, or the career, you are left with your self to discover.
You are left with some of the most existential questions of all time:
"Who am I? What do I want? Who might I become?"
These questions are the beginning of the greatest journey you'll ever take - the journey home to Self.
Instead of avoiding the challenges of your life and relationships, you learn how to lean into them with gratitude and grace.
What you gain is:
Freedom to pursue your dreams.
Power to create your best life.
Intimacy with your loved ones.
Self-Love and Acceptance.
I offer an integrative approach to transformation, combining somatic coaching, self-inquiry, and deep presencing, grounded in neuroscience, Jungian psychology, and ancient teachings to support your Integration Process.
Schedule a FREE discovery call below to get started today.

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
― Rumi
What clients are saying
“Andrea was born to do this work! She has a gift of not only seeing you and compassionately guiding you but also empowering you!
Every time I have a session with Andrea I feel like I know and love myself on a deeper level, and leave feeling inspired.
Our sessions hit home to me on a seriously deep and impactful level. Andrea has helped me see and work through my blocks, fears, and doubts in order for me to step into the fullest version of myself that I was always meant to be. For this I am forever grateful!
Every woman needs this work and I couldn’t recommend Andrea more!"
- Kelly Austin
“Andrea has a unique ability to show up with profound presence and love, seeing things from a perspective that both calls you forward into expressing yourself honestly—while also seeing where you are stuck and encouraging you grow beyond your limitations.
Andrea holds the sacredness of vulnerability with such care; when I opened up in this circle of women, I felt seen, encouraged and supported.
From InVision, I received real tools to help propel me forward into stepping into my natural leadership abilities.
I see now, that as women in the world of today, it our divine responsibility to show up powerfully, to share our stories and to embody a new future for humanity.”
- Hailey K.
“InVision has offered me a safe container and inspired guidance to connect to the warm, and gentle divine feminine and that often times I hide from, for fear of being too vulnerable.
I’ve known that work needs to be done in order to progress in certain areas of my life. However, my ultra independence and fear of vulnerability has blocked me in the past from being as open as I’ve been able to be in IFL.
I have taken hundreds of hours of yoga teacher training and never have I experienced such ease in finding my center.
I believe Andrea is a visionary mentor with a capacity to change lives, and bring women together in healing love.”
- Natasha Allen
“When I found Invision Leadership I was at a pivotal point in my life. I had a vision of where I wanted to go and I even held the map in my hand, but I feeling shaky and scared to take more than a few steps on the path. There was a lot on the line for me in my business and my personal life and I felt afraid that I may not be able to stay the course without support.
Facing the shadows of my past was illuminating, not terrifying with the loving and generous support of Andrea’s skilled coaching.
I felt like I came home to a more fully integrated, heart centered place within myself and am grateful each and every day to be living a more whole, empowered and creative life of wholeness. Thank you Andrea!
- Jessica Gutierrez
Meet Andrea
Jungian Life Coach, Astrologer, & Yoga Teacher
From a young age, I was drawn to the power and the magic of nature. I felt how the trees were my greatest teachers, and how everything that didn't make sense in the human condition, made sense in the plant and animal kingdoms.
That love and wonder pulled me on a wild adventure through space, time, beautiful and challenging experiences, through galaxies, leading me all the way back home, where I began.
Yoga and the plants helped me to lift the veils and expand my consciousness. My two children and the people I have loved deeply and truly have taught me how love has no bounds, only those that the mind creates.
My relationship with Spirit has taught me that EVERYTHING is possible when we come into sacred union with our Self and this moment.
My clients and students teach me again, and again, that we are all related, all interconnected, all bound by the matrix of love, cosmic intelligence, and community.
It is my deepest joy and dharma to share the gold that I have discovered on my quest, and to guide others along their own unique journey down the serpentine aisle, uniting with their Atman (Higher Self), and living beyond the illusion of limitation and fear.

Photo by Alyssa Keys Photography
My Services
15 min
1 hr