Sacred YOUnion - A Path of Self-Mastery
What women are saying about Sacred YOUnion

"This course was Potent! Stargate Portal activated! I am so grateful and it has been such an honor to walk alongside you all. Andrea, your openness to receiving, downloading and transferring this wisdom and medicine is what the world is praying for. It's what I have been praying for. You have shared this gift with us and on and on it will flow. It is time. Love you all so much!" ~ Kellie Glessner, Sacred YOUnion 2022
"The gates are open. The flow is ✨ what an incredible experience these past 4 months. Thank you Andrea. Thank you Sisters for all the beauty, support and higher frequencies." ~ Melissa Moon, Sacred YOUnion 2022
"Truly thankful to be part of this magical group and uplifting the divine. Thank you so much Andrea for your intuition and natural gifts💕." ~ Lisa Kaiser, Sacred YOUnion 2022
"Feeling truly grateful to have shared this experience with you powerful women. 💃🏻Thank you Andrea for the love and devotion you put into this course and community.... You are changing the world!" ~ Alison Jewett, Sacred YOUnion 2022
"Thank you all so much for being there and always exuding love and support. It was such an absolutely beautiful experience. My soul is soaring 🦋." ~ Kat Eich, Sacred YOUnion 2022
"Andrea is a visionary mentor with a capacity to change lives, and bring women together in healing love." ~ Natascha Allen, IFL 2020
Are you ready to step onto a path of Self Mastery? The path that leads you to living the life of your dreams?
The Sacred YOUnion Group Immersion is an incubator for evolution, dedicated to activating women who are here to embody more of who you are in service of your soul's divine mission, and the love that you are here to be.
Through ancient ritual, yoga, meditation, a process of vocal awakening, and alchemical practices, you learn to yoke spirit with matter, shadow with light, the "good" with the "bad", and your ego to your soul.
Standing in Holy Union with your Self, you become the one you've been waiting for.
"This secret life in us. The seen and unseen.
The speaking and the unspoken.
The one who is what she ought to be and the one who is not.
This other.
The one from whom we are split away.
Who follows us.
Whose words lie under our tongues.
Who speaks to us in our dreams."
Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

Sacred YOUnion is a path of unfolding the lotus petals of your heart as you remember how to truly see the Self beyond the illusion of "me" and "mine".
The group container holds you in a cocoon of unconditional love as you face your deepest fears and your deepest longing with the courage of a warrior, and the tender, abiding love of a mother.
Rooted in ancient spiritual texts, ritual, and meditation, and grounded in day-to-day modern living, you learn how to walk the path of the mystic in your daily and professional life.
You remember that you have the power to weave a new world into being.
You remember that you have always been the leader of your life, and are called upon now to lead a new way forward for humanity.
This is your birthright, and your responsibility.
You were born for exactly this time.
What will you gain?
Through this methodical process of Self-Realization, you will gain:
VOCAL AWAKENING to integrate healing and sing your song.
Tools to Ground and Anchor your NERVOUS SYSTEM.
CLARITY in your vision through meditation and yoga.
Access to your TRUTH through soul coaching and voice alchemy.
A map and the activation of your DIVINE BLUEPRINT to unlock the magic that you are encoded with.
The use of RITUALS and MANTRAS for harnessing shakti (creative energy).
SELF ACCEPTANCE through shadow work and sisterhood.
Daily practices (movement, breath work, meditation) to support INTEGRATION of your soul codes.
INTIMACY with your body, your loved ones, the Earth, and fellow awakening women.
SOUL RETRIEVAL of fragmented and forgotten aspects of your self through guided vocal and visionary journeys.
UNDERSTANDING of your soul's divine mission.
A SOUL TRIBE of awakened women.

Meet Kayla Diana, Sonic Alchemist

Kayla Diana is a Sonic Alchemist. She has been a professional musician for 15 years and a facilitator of her own modality of Somatic Voice Work for the past 10 years. She has helped hundreds of people open and heal their voices and experience the magic of Sound teaching at workshops, retreats, and one on one sessions. Her deep love for being of service through sound comes from being born into a lineage of musicians and teachers, although her journey of Sonic mastery came with a major challenge: being born deaf in one ear. She learned to perceive and articulate sound in her own way, and it became a “sixth sense”. Being born deaf in one ear made her extremely sensitive to energy, and she has always leaned into the music as her way of relating to the world, and connecting to spirit. She has been devoted to playing music and facilitating Voice Work for half of her life and continues to go deeper into the love for it, and has been expanding her work and creativity into the world by way of releasing music, teaching and holding sacred Somatic Voice work spaces, and performing with multiple music projects.
Using Somatic Voice as a Tool of Integration
Interwoven into the Sacred YOUnion Course Kayla Diana will be facilitating Awakening Voice Integration sessions to heal, open, and expand both your inner and outer voice.
These sessions will be working in tandem with the potent Sacred YOUnion container to optimize your transformational experience. Awakening Voice Integration sessions are designed to fully clear the energies that you are moving out of, and to align and integrate the powerful frequencies that are coming into your field.
Using simple, yet potent vocal embodiment practices you will be provided with opportunities to fully anchor your soul frequency in your body, be held in a supportive space to fully heal your relationship to your voice, learn the ancient art of song alchemy and song channeling, and have a deep dive into the connection between voice and body, including the physiology of your nervous system and vocal chords, and the connection of soul, voice, and body.
Why Voice Work?
Vibration is the very root of all of creation, and your unique vibrational essence in the world is contained in your voice. Your contribution to the evolutionary process of earth is needed, and ultimately, the way that your creativity is expressed in the world is through VOICE. We have come into a chapter of our human journey where we have unprecedented capabilities of communicating with the world and with each other, and the philosophy behind this voice work is that regardless of what your work in the world is, an open voice channel is needed to fully fulfill your human potential.
Somehow in our collective human story, we have been divided into two groups : people with a voice important enough to be shared, heard, and uplifted, and people that don’t. This voice work is devoted to the shifting of that narrative to one of EVERYBODY has a unique voice that is important.
Sacred YOUnion
You will be receiving two 1:1 somatic voice sessions with Kayla during Sacred YOUnion, as well as receiving bi-weekly video content and a written curriculum to fully integrate the work. Kayla will also be joining us throughout the course to teach on the live calls.
What will my Sacred YOUnion Journey look like?
Your 4-month Sacred YOUnion Journey is designed to fit easily into your full life. Because it is offered online, you can participate from anywhere in the world, and on your own time.
Course Materials are delivered on an online platform, Mighty Networks, and include weekly educational and channeled material, along with complimentary Sacred Practices, Astrological Insights, Activations, and Journal Prompts for you to keep forever.
Every other week, you receive a new module of learning, full of educational material, a recorded lesson with me and Kayla, and homework for the following 2 weeks. Every other week we meet via Zoom to share the learning, offer live coaching opportunities, answer any questions you may have.
This 4-month Module includes:
Weekly Live Calls via Zoom - see call schedule below
Online Course material delivered on Mighty Networks.
One 1:1 Coaching Sessions w/Andrea
One 1:1 Voice Magic Session with Kayla Diana
Activations, Guided Journeys, Group Meditations, and Embodiment practices delivered on Mighty Networks.
Guided Journeys - recorded and live
Online Community
Closing Ceremony and Day-Long Retreat on Saturday, February 24th, Nevada City
**Bonus Offerings**
Day-Long Retreat
Bonus meditations, practices, and seasonal
Dream-tending support
Bi-weekly Coaching/Teaching calls with Kayla & Andrea - Mondays 4PM (PST)
Bi-weekly (alternate week) Group Calls Mondays at 4 PM (PST)
Weekly Practices and Journal Prompts
Total time per week: 4-8 hours
What is Your Financial Investment?
$1,499 (when purchased in full by Nov 1st)
$1,999 (if paid in full)
$2,250 (if payment plan)
*Sliding Scale and Payment plans are available. Secure your seat in this circle of goddesses by placing a $500 deposit.
Call Schedule via Zoom (times are in PST)
8 Group Coaching Calls with Andrea & Kayla + Opening Ceremony
8 Community Calls with the group to share your experience (alternating Mondays from the schedule below.)
Saturday, November 11th, 12-1:30PM - Opening Ceremony
Monday, November 13th, 4pm
Monday, November 27th, 4pm
Monday, December 11th, 4pm
Monday, December 25th (Holiday - no call this week)
Monday, January 1st, 4pm
Monday, January 15th, 4pm
Monday, January 29th, 4pm
Monday, Feb 12th, 4pm
Closing Ceremony and Day-Long Retreat on Saturday, February 24th, Nevada City

"To the heart of this program Andrea thoughtfully and creatively, through open arms, unconditional Love, and effective mentoring, helped me unravel what was blocking what I truly want & to be.
As I sit here now with the completion of this time with Andrea and the group (for now) I can say that what’s come out of this experience is a deeper intimacy with my SELF, my heart, the earth & nature."
— Chynna Cantrell, IFL 2021

"InVision has been a beyond amazing experience for me. I knew that I needed something like this, I just didn't know how much I needed it. Being in community with other women that are also doing this work was beyond priceless.
This experience will be one I look back to as a time of great shifting for me. I would highly recommend this program to anyone!"
— Becky Bradley, IFL 2020